Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day 2 of 14 : The Faces I Make Throughout an Average Day

This is the look on my face after work everyday for the last 1 month plus. Yes it is a look of weariness and exhaustion even though I pretty much sit at my desk all day which kinda looks like this.

Yeah woke up this morning not wanting to go to work but still dragged myself out of my bed and found myself sitting at the bus stop with a blank expression that looked something like this.

And woe and behold today the bus was empty again which is a total big surprise cause like I said it before I take the bus at the rush hour period and I mean its really empty for that timing.

And I also got to work on time today so I was kinda glad but since I had nobody to talk to at my desk I got bored easily and decided to take a few camwhore pics XD.

Yeah look at that content face lol. Yeah so that's about it for today and here I am promising you that I will improve on my content and make it less mundane and boring.


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