Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 1 of 14 : An everyday chapter in the life of Edward Cheang

Welcome to Project : I4 which is a fourteen day photo project done by me cause I'm pretty bored and my camera would most probably rot in the box if I didn't use it so here I am with my photo journal.

Basically I started today with a big surprise. The bus was almost totally empty. I take the bus at rush hour so I pretty much expect to get maybe a seat with big-sized people all around me threatening to squeeze me to death with their ass. But hey take a look at how it was today.

Afterward at work I just sat there using Nelson's computer cause mine was locked out by someone else at work and I needed that person to come back to log out of his account.

So yeah we pretty much stapled papers like this and folded them into envelops for them to be sent out and this is a picture of how they look and such.

So we did that through the day and for dessert after lunch I had some wonderful hershey's chocolate covered marshmallows. =D They look so good in their small packets XD.

Yeah and I'm earning money for more games and movies like the example I shall show here XD.

Yeah and thats about it for today I have nothing left say about today except that I'm super tired.

And until tomorrow

Edward Signing Off...

1 comment:

  1. Hey! (:
    All the best for your project :D
    And all of you keep working!
    Take some time off to rest before school starts!
    And come and play World Tour soon!
