Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day 9 of 14: Me and Myself

On suggestion from Jols I decided to do a clone picture today kinda emulating her wrath picture.(Sorry for stealing your idea but I couldn't think of anything better) Basically it just me shouting at myself "WHY DIDN'T YOU WORK HARDER FOR YOUR O LEVELS" lols.

Anyways today I saw this super cute pink hello kitty bike at JE I'ma upload the picture haha XD

I'm sorry if I said or did something wrong,
If I did I didn't mean to do it,
Its just how I am sometimes cause of my own insecurities,
My own fear that my own flaws will chase you away,
I'm confused and I don't know what to do to make things better,
All I hope for is that you can feel better tomorrow,
And that tomorrow we can go back to normal and laugh,
Smile and joke like we always do
So that's it for today's post hope you people like it. I'll try to do something more interesting tomorrow.