Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 7 of 14 : And Its Back To Work

And yeah its back to work. Yeah haha its one hurdle gone and the O's are over =D haha and today its one month with her. Yes people it has been one very happy and blissful month for me. I can't seem to remember ever being happy and not being emo for one month straight before.

Today nothing much at work except for the fact I had Ramly for lunch. Yes our dear and incredible unhealthy Ramly burgers.

(Yes I took the picture it wasn't grabbed)

And now look at its wonderful texture and beautiful buns =D

(I know its measly but it was enough for lunch)

Yeah it tasted wonderful though. The chili sauce was sweet and not half-bad. It was well worth my three bucks =D. So yeah its getting late and I've got work tomorrow. Ciao

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