Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day 12 of 14 : Live High

Yes today's picture is inspired by Jason MR.A-Z and his song "Live High". Mraz is one of the few reasons why I still play the guitar and believe in the beauty of music amongst the dreadful sounding mainstream music I hear all the time from phones and radios.

His music does wonders to me and my emotions. It builds me up and breaks me down. I once broke down listening to the song Beautiful Mess cause I thought about something which brought me to tears. I don't know why I found it sad after so long but yeah it did bring me to tears. His music gives me hope too and a reason why I still believe in love. The song "Lucky" brings about how I feel right now, being in love with her whom is closer to me than my best friend. Even amongst the fears I have and the paranoia that is me every time I hear that song all those fears go away cause I feel like she's next to me when I hear it. Its real important to me that I have to say it, I mean its my blog so I'm gonna say what I like and not care bout what people think. Cause she's real important to me and I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost her. I can barely phantom what might happen.

Anyways today went out with the guys and bought myself some new shoes. Not the air force ones I wanted but its something for dress and not for sport. So yeah it fits nice. I'm gonna wear it to work tomorrow. I've got to go do something ciao.

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